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Political Digital Fact of the Day: You Need to Be (Almost) Everywhere Online

According to the researchers at PEW, 77% of American voters are online every day. And in addition, 43% are online several times a day, while 26% reported being online nearly constantly. Building up organic followers through high-traffic sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram allows you to create an audience you can communicate with, for free, on your schedule.

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Facebook campaign for political candidates

Political Digital Fact of the Day: Yes, Your Grandmother is on Facebook

At this point, your Grandmother might be more likely to be on Facebook than your 18-year-old niece. They can both vote. So the idea that social media is just for young voters just isn’t borne out by the facts.

Young people are increasingly opting out of traditional cable and watch less and less traditional broadcast television, which means social and digital media are more and more vital for reaching voters under age 40. But that doesn’t mean older voters are not on social media or can’t be reached by digital channels.

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