Introducing The Brand Studio

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We’re so thrilled to introduce The Brand Studio, a one-stop-shop for customized campaign logos and brand kits. Our goal is to equip you with all of the essentials for establishing your campaign’s logo, colors, and overall design. When you’re happy with your campaign’s look, it’s yours to use everywhere.

How does The Brand Studio work? Work with us to establish your campaign’s unique look in three easy steps:
  1. Browse our designs and select your campaign logo
  2. Customize with your campaign’s information
  3. Receive your logo and brand kit, tailored to your campaign
For $379, you’ll receive your full brand kit, including:
  • A customized logo, re-sized for mail, social media, and web
  • A color palette
  • Font selection
  • A media plan for your mail & digital ad program
  • Tips for making the most of your campaign brand
Browse through our design gallery to find the right design for your campaign. 

Got questions? Feel free to shoot us a note at or sign up to chat here.

We are SpeakEasy Political, the leading tool for campaigns and organizations to easily create high-impact digital media and direct mail campaigns. By leveraging innovative media strategies and our brand building experience, our tech powers Democratic candidates and causes up and down the ballot. SpeakEasy’s Consultant Studio was also built to support consultant teams with leading data, strategic targeting, and comprehensive ad tech to serve as your backend media buying operation.  If you have any questions, or want to learn more about how we can help you achieve your campaign goals, our team is standing by to help! You can schedule a call with one of our campaign professionals below, or reach out to us at!

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