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Political Digital Fact of the Day: You Need to Be (Almost) Everywhere Online

According to the researchers at PEW, 77% of American voters are online every day. And in addition, 43% are online several times a day, while 26% reported being online nearly constantly. Building up organic followers through high-traffic sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram allows you to create an audience you can communicate with, for free, on your schedule.

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Political online campaign strategy

Political Digital Fact of the Day: Many Subjects – But One Message – for Your Political Online Campaign Strategy

We have worked hard to present to you just how simple this really is. But, here’s the hardest part of running a coherent online campaign.

You are telling a story in many, many parts—and it is easy for you to get lost in all this and forget to help your voters hear a coherent narrative. If you are getting lost, just imagine how the voters feel.

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Digital Media E-Book for Political Campaigns and Political Campaign Volunteers

Political Digital Fact of the Day: Our First Edition for First-Time Candidates and Campaign Managers

If a voter called to volunteer on your campaign, you would call them back right away and thank them and plug them into the campaign—right?

When a supporter makes a donation, you immediately thank them if you want to ever get another donation from that supporter—and keep a friend. When someone leaves you a voicemail, you work hard to return that call the very same day. When you talk to voters, you try to remember the names of spouses, where the kids go to school and what they mentioned when you knocked on their door last.

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